Empty post properties in NC Program.

When opening the NC Programs dialog in Fusion 360, the Post Properties section is empty.


The Post Properties section is empty when opening the NC Programs dialog in Fusion 360.



  • No post is chosen for post-processing.
  • There's a syntax error in the post-processor file.

If the Post option in the NC program is empty, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the folder icon located next to the Post option in the NC Program window.
  2. Browse to the folder where the posts are saved.
  3. Choose the appropriate post-processor you want to use, and select it.

If the post is already selected but there are no Post Properties:

  • Fix the syntax error in the post-processor by reviewing the JavaScript formatting in the most recent area where the post was edited.
  • If DSI supplied the post, go to dsi-mfg.com and click on Connect with us, or contact support@dsi-mfg.com