Follow the instructions in this article to configure CAMplete to read Mastercam files
How do I configure CAMplete for Mastercam files?
- Open CAMplete
- In the ribbon bar, select Manage > Options > File Types > Select the drop-down menu and choose Mastercam

3. Find the options below and enable them with the check box
- NCI - Circular Interpolation Move - Add linear move for small arcs: This will filter out 360 deg arcs generated from the NCI file from Mastercam
- NCI - Circular Interpolation Move Tolerance - Specifies the tolerance used to identify 360 arcs caused by small arcs in the NCI file typically .001"-.005" range

- NCI - NCI 1053 records delimit Tool Paths - If the user is not using toolpath comments in Mastercam, the operations could be grouped together. In that case, enable this option so the toolpaths have a 1:1 mapping in CAMplete
5. Select Close when finished
6. Shutdown CAMplete to save the changes made