For CALLOO88 to be posted correctly, you must set the correct datums for your toolpaths.
Your NC Format uses the CALLOO88 tilted work plane command for 3+2 machining. In order for CALLOO88 to be posted correctly, you must set the correct datums for your toolpaths. If you will always be working from the same datum, you can set it as the default datum in your machining setup. To do that, follow the steps below.
How to set up a default datum
- Open a blank session of CAMplete
- In the ribbon, go to Manage > Resources > Machines > Select your machine, then select Edit
- Go to the Program CS (Program Coordinate System) section
- On the Program CS page, use the Set Default column to set a default datum. In this example, Datum 1 is set as the default datum
- Click Finish
- Close CAMplete to store the new default
- Open CAMplete and load your project
If you import your project from your CAM system and then decide to locate the component differently on the machine or within the fixture, you may also change/set the datum for any given operation in TruePath after a project has been loaded. To do that, follow the steps below.
How to manually set up a datum inside a project
- On the ribbon, select Home > CAM Wizard > CAM Wizard
- Click on Coord Sys to open the Edit The Machine Coordinate Systems page
- Use the Type column in the Tool Path Datum Settings grid to set the datums for each operation. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys to aid with multiple selections, or press Ctrl + A to select all operations. In this example, all datums will be changed to Datum 1 using Ctrl + A to select all operations
- Click Finish